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Starting in the fast-paced design agency realm, where adaptability was key, my innate curiosity steered me toward the world of digital product design.

A tinkerer and a thinker, my career organically evolved into creating scalable and sustainable solutions since system thinking was always my default. Now, juggling roles and wearing more hats than I ever imagined. Reflecting on it, it's been quite the ride!

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Hailing from a quaint tropical town in Taiwan, I've since called places like Germany, China, and now the USA, home for over three years each.

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Is our natural creative spark in fact the result of intrinsic identity conflicts?
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Over the last ten years, I've studied and worked in more than eight cities and three countries, so much that I almost forget how challenging it can be to navigate through different cultures. Therefore, the mismatch in professional roles and upbringing, as the Margaret Lee put it, very strongly resonated with me. I hope that one day I can be part of that leadership that keeps this dialogue open and ongoing.

When not hunched over her mac, she indulges herself with corgi spa :)
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